3 clues to understand your seo needs

3 clues to understand your SEO needs

By: Rémi | 30 Mar 2015
3 clues to understand your SEO needs
Many businesses acknowledge their need for search engine optimization but not more than that.

Businesses have come to realize little by little how important is search engine optimization; we owe to that the raise of the SEO services demand. Yet, understanding your goal is central before using one of them.

In any case, SEO may include various things such as technical audits, keywords analysis, on-page optimization, net linking, content writing, etc. It can also be priced in many ways depending on the way those things are included and depending on their extent. You also have to check that you really know what you need when assessing a program or when selecting a supplier.

Here are three main clues to take into account when you make an evaluation of your SEO needs:


1. Business objective

Taking into account any program, make sure your business goals are considered in priority. Actually, as businesses ask us about traffic and rankings, we always search to direct them towards their main goals (especially that of sales).

As mentioned previously, an SEO program is meant to imply many things. Understanding your overall business goals would enable you identify the SEO services which really satisfy your needs. Whether your overall business goals is to raise conversions, to make a brand or a product known to public, to increase a local visibility or to fix a Google penalty, each of these goals involves a specific SEO strategy.


2. Current performance of your website

You also have to take into account your site real performance. When assessing prospects, we make a data analysis to gather the supplementary traffic and conversion numbers. This would enable us to manage what we are up against and/or what should we collaborate with.

Consider how performing your site has been for the past two years. Check the traffic and conversion trends, any other pieces of data in analytic treatment that will enable you to recognize your site requirements. It is also another way for you to have an idea of the budget you should combine. If your site is negatively positioned, a more thorough program would best fit to that.


3. Resource constraints

Try to situate where you fail. One of my fears with any customer is when they think of having many resources but just as the program starts, nobody is in fact available to satisfy their requests.

If you are capable of detecting where you fail, then you can start to imagine how a SEO can help you complete your lack. To illustrate this, if you realize your lack of internal resources to fill in the content of your site, you should trust in your SEO supplier.

The opposite is also available. If your SEO supplier comes to you with a proposal of content writing for your site and you have a team of content writers on staff, some editorial advice may be enough for you to ensure that your content staff is writing the correct topics and keywords to follow traffic and conversions. A program with complete creation is needless.


4. Conclusion

An excellent understanding of the way an SEO program works is required for any business that has a good mind to use it. It will facilitate the proposal process and at the same time it will help you in a quick search of supplier. And with a bit of luck, you’ll be able to build a successful program that will enable you in reaching your business goals.

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